sayuran yang dapat membantu diet _ vegetables that can help dieters
1. Tomatoes
Fiber content in tomatoes as much as 1.5 grams per 100 grams can help you overcome flab. Tomatoes also contain lycopene which is very high, the compound giving the red color in tomatoes that works to address the cancer attacks. It also contains many vitamins such as vitamins A and K, which help stabilize blood pressure and act as antioxidants.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli is also considered an excellent vegetable to balance your body weight. Green vegetables has many benefits to fight various diseases, one of which helps reduce the risk of stomach cancer, lung and rectum. Broccoli also contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, and folate, which is useful to boost immunity in dealing with the flu.
3. Carrots
Orange colored vegetables is not only beneficial for the eyes, but also the skin and hair. Vegetables are also a major source of antioxidants such as vitamin A. Carrots contain vitamin C that can protect the cardiovascular damage. (See also: Nutrition For Eyes Not Just Carrot)
4. Flask
Pumpkin is a vegetable that is useful for the anti-inflammatory. The content of vitamin C and beta-carotene in pumpkin may also help overcome asthma attacks, osteoarthriris, and rheumatoid arthritis. Pumpkin also contains potassium, magnesium, and high fiber.
5. Sweet potato
The plant bulb contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, and manganese. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of fiber and iron. Eating sweet potatoes not only gives you extra energy, but also help regulate your digestive system.
6. Eggplant
Eggplant has many benefits for heart health because it contains antioxidants like nasunin. Nasunin serves to protect brain cells from damage. These vegetables also contain fiber and potassium can reduce the risk of stroke and dementia.
7. Paprika
Large bell-shaped chili has three color variants, red, yellow, and green. All of these color variants have the same function in lowering body weight, while maintaining health as lycopene and fatty acids in it. Experts advise to eat peppers every day to avoid lung disease, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
8. Spinach
Green vegetables contain lots of chlorophyll which is a source of vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need. The researchers believe that a diet with increased consumption of spinach will help you to prevent heart disease, colon cancer, arthritis, to osteoporosis.
9. Onions
The content of peptides in onion are useful for preventing osteoporosis. The content of the peptide is believed to slow the loss of calcium levels in the body. Onions are also useful to combat heart disease and diabetes because the content of folate and vitamin C.
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