Science Biologi SMP Kelas 7

growth :

1. internal : hormones and gens
2. external : SANi CaKep -> S : Suhu , A : air , Ni : nutrisi , Ca : Cahaya , Kep : kelembapan

hormones :
1. auxin : promotting cell alongation
2. cytokinine : promotting cell division
3. giberrellin : promotting germination
4. ethylene : accelerating the ripening fruits

type germination :
1. epygeal : hypokotil long
2. hypogeal : epykotil long

primary growth :
1. stem tips
2. root tips

1. perfect (complete) : butterfly, fly, mosquito, bee => egg -> larva -> puppa -> imago
2. inperfect (incomplete) : grasshopper, beetles

puberty :
1. Primary
    male : the maturity of sexual organ
    female : menstruation
2. secondary
    male : voice becomes deeper , growth of hair around the genital , increase chest width, etc
    female : change of voice , growth of hair around the genital , increase of hip width , etc

embryo growth :
zygote -> morula -> blastula -> gastrula -> organogenesis -> fetus (bayi) -> tooder (balita) -> childood (anak-anak) -> adolescence (remaja) -> adulthood -> old age

joints :
1. hinge / engsel : elbow
2. pivot / putar : between atlas and axis
3. saddle / pelana : tumbs
4. ball and socket / peluru : between humerus and scapula

digestive system : mouth -> pharynx -> esophagus ->stomach -> small intestine -> large intestine -> anus
1. mouth : tongue , teeth , saluvary gland
2. small intestine :
    duodenum -> digestive enzyme from pancreas
    jejunum -> MaLaS -> Ma : Maltase , La : Laktase , S : Sakarase
    ileum : absorbing
3. large intestine : colon (reabsorbing water and deterloration) and rechim

enzyme :
1. mouth : ptialin : amilum -> maltose
2. stomach : laHPeR
                    H : HcL : kill the pothogenic
                    Pe : Pepsin : protein -> pepton
                    R : Renin : milk -> kasein
3. pancreas : AmiT Lis
                    Ami : Amilase : amylum -> glucose
                    T : tripsin : pepton -> amino acid
                    Lis : lipase : fat -> fatty acid and glucerol

disorder :
1. infection :
    - disentri
    - typus
    - hepatitis
    - apendicitis
2. non infection :
    - maag
    - ambeien
    - gastric cancer


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